Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Baby Items

These monogrammed baby shoes are the cutest thing around!!! White with a monogrammed shoe tab, it velcros off completely and can be interchanged to match all your outfits! One pair is all you need. You can order as many monogrammed tabs as you need. Get a pink one, green one, blue, red or any color of the rainbow.......there is nothing more chic for baby! And it makes great sense to be able to buy one pair of shoes and change the look of them so inexpensively. This is one item that can be passed down to baby brother or sister as the tabs will always be available on our site (that is a promise ;-)

We have also added some monogrammed ultra preppy new burp cloth/bib set designs. Great for boy or girl! Choose your monogram style and color combination. SOO CUTE!

Coming very soon for fall.... Knit monogrammed children's sweaters! Custom designed just for you! Stay tuned......

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